4 Feb 2016

Memorable moments from our first year #1

Well we have officially done 12 months on the road (as of Monday) so we wanted to do a collection of pictures that capture the many amazing experiences we have had, and the wonderful memories we have made, on our trip. We whittled it down to around 100 pics - this is the first post of 3 (the other two will be posted in the next few days).

Frolicking nude in a freshwater stream on the Gibb River Rd.

Watching the sunset from the cliffs near Kalbarri with Uncle Damo
A cliff top sunset cheese platter with some of the great friends we made, Matt & Jenny, Megan & Reid and their kids.

Going down some very tight tracks to get to amazing spots - this one was at Sandy Cape.
The full moon lighting up the sky near Rocky Pool.

The power of the ocean - waves crashing near Kalbarri.

Our bush Christmas was wonderful.

A boat at low tide at Streaky Bay, the sunset gave the shallow water an amazing colour.

Our funniest photo. After crashing while sandboarding, we made him wait to get cleaned up whilst I got the camera!
Boats for hire at Kalbarri. West coast sunsets are divine.

The kids had such fun with their friends under this 'cubby' tree at Sandy Cape.

Even in the bush we still managed glazed ham and bacon covered turkey for Christmas dinner.
Tiny shells make up the gorgeous Shell Beach near Shark Bay.

Sunset Cruise (with Wolf Man) on the majestic Lake Argyle - what a great night with our friends James & Emily.

Dawn at Port Julia - I snuck away to take photos whilst everyone slept.

We have enjoyed all of our visitors, the kids loved jumping all over Uncle Damo.

Emilia and Lily, the daughter of some great friends we made, Ali & Pat.

Cape Adieu, just before the Nullabour. Great fishing and totally secluded.

Emilia's 4th Birthday. A wonderful night at Finn's Fish BBQ in Kalbarri. Our princess rode her bike home in a storm in her party dress as we got caught on the other side of town when the rain started.

Beachcombing at Barn Hill.

The Boab trees in the Kimberley are so huge and impressive looking.

The Great Australian Bight.
Our Gibb River Rd Adventure was certainly a highlight of our trip.

Jackson is always so determined that he can do as much as everyone else!

The bright sun reflected on Lake Argyle
We love exploring rocky coastlines. These are some rocks near Kalbarri that we sat on to watch the sunset.

Taking Jackson out to see the falls at Bell's Gorge as the water was freezing and very deep.

'What No Camping sign?' Camping on the edge of the Great Australian Bight - the wind got a bit wild at night!

Nature's Window near Kalbarri - also the beginning of the fly plague (notice our attractive fly nets). The flies were certainly memorable though not in a good way.
Getting into WA required a very thorough (hour long) search of the van and car for any hidden fruit and veg!
Jackson's first hair cut on the road, he actually let Daniel do it with the clippers.
Manning River, we certainly didn't tire of the pristine fresh water rivers in the Kimberley.
This is what occurs when you let two 12 year old girls do your makeup!

Grubby faces have become the norm.

Early morning fishing at Lincoln NP in SA. We saw seals in this bay.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely assortment of pics looking back on the year. So many extraordinary memories. I look forward to the next lot.
