12 Mar 2015

Point Labatt Sea Lion Colony

After leaving the Elliston area we headed north hoping for some better weather. Our camping book said Baird Bay was great so we decided to check it out. It was about 40km of gravel road off the main hwy but the book had raved so off we went. Well it was cold and cloudy when we arrived and the beachfront camping they had written about was pretty much a small car park opposite the mudflat beach, that had toilets and a picnic table. When we arrived 8 large vans were parked in 2 rows only metres apart. It was so bad and we could not believe we had detoured so far on a gravel road to get there. Hightailed it out and headed to Point Labatt, which was only another 20km. This definitely made up for the mishap morning. Point Labatt has the largest permanent sea lion colony in Australia, saw heaps lolling about and many swimming and diving off the rocks. Kids were very impressed (as were we). We then headed to Streaky Bay and managed a late lunch at a seafood cafe, abalone salad, YUM!
Strike a pose

The model look, complete with flowing locks!

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