12 Sept 2017

Getting knighted at Windsor Castle.

After leaving Roofie we decided to visit Windsor Castle on the way to Steph's. I had never been there during my time in the UK and was keen to explore some royal history. As it was school holidays they had activities for the kids. Todays was a talk about armour (from the past and current times) followed by a chance to try on some actual historical armour. The kids were very excited and when volunteers were called upon to demonstrate how some of the armour was worn, Jackson's hand shot up. He managed to get out the front twice, first as a English policeman and secondly as a knight in training. After the interactive talk the kids got to try on some armour. Emilia chose a 'party helmet' with a feather in top and Jackson chose a replica of Henry VIII's. We enjoyed wandering through the incredible state rooms and the beautiful St Georges Cathedral before heading to Steph and Mark's. 

Entering Windsor Castle.

Sergeant Katz.

A knight in training.

Henry the VIII I am!

'Can you see me?'

A knight ready to party.

Check out the party feathers, the height of fashion in medieval times!

Stormy skies were looming over the castle.

Being careful jot to step on the grass.

Jackson with his craft knight helmet trying to 'out hat' the guard.

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