7 Apr 2015

Second Month - Memories and Moans

Amazing Rock Formations - Talia Caves and the Great Australian Bight. Superb examples of the forces of the ocean and how, over thousands of years, incredible things can be created in nature. Awe inspiring, and also quite scary to see the power of the ocean, you would not stand a chance against the powerful waves we saw thumping into the cliff faces.
Playgrounds- pre-kids we would never have noticed, let alone ventured to, any playgrounds, but our eternal quest to entertain (and exhaust) the kids has led us to some great parks and playgrounds. Hammond park in Kalgoorlie, the local playground in Elliston (a great example of a community working together to create a fantastic space for kids), and the foreshore playground and waterpark in Geraldton were the standouts. 
Fishing - the obvious rush Daniel gets from assuming the role of 'hunter and provider' for his family adds to the wonderful taste of freshly caught fish he has got for us. Whiting has been a favourite with all of us. Jackson now says 'dinner, dinner' whenever he sees a crab or small fish at the beach. 
Sunsets - along the Nullarbor and once we reached the west coast they were (and still are) amazing.
Settling in - during the second month we definitely found our rhythm and have settled in to life on the road. Set up and pack up now has a system though we just try not to rush as it is too hard to get on the road early with kids. We have also relaxed a lot and certainly got into holiday, chill out mode. 
Weber Q- loving our new Weber Q! Still no fires allowed so we got ourselves a Weber Q (should have listened to Tenielle & Trent and got one at the start, they're great). Cakes have been a hit, as easy as an oven.

Rushing Nullarbor - we were both disappointed that we had to rush the Nullarbor to get to Kalgoorlie for the car to be serviced, we would have loved to have explored it more and spent more time in the remote areas along the way. It was beautiful and some areas seemed so remote.
WIND - at some points Jackson was nearly blown over by the power of the wind and we had to retreat to the van. Beautiful beaches lose their beauty when you are being pelted by sand (though the wind does keep the flies away!).
Bush pigs (the human kind) - apparently some people come bush camping and forget their shovel, still no excuse for not digging a hole when you need to do number twos, YUK. Also the amount of toilet paper left in the bush is disgraceful, it's not that hard to put it in the bin.
No recycling- On the subject of rubbish, we've been disappointed that there has only been aluminium can recycling in all the parks, playgrounds, camp grounds and caravan parks in SA and WA. We are so used to recycling that it is hard to throw cardboard, paper and glass in the regular bin. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your update. Shame people can be dirty pigs wherever you go
