18 Apr 2016

Steep Point - shells, sharks and spearfishing at the most western point of Aus.

After missing out on Steep Point on both our journey up and down the coast last year (due to wind and then rain) we were determined to make it to this remote area of Australia. To access the most westerly point on the Australian mainland requires a 3 hour 4wd on a narrow, hilly and sandy track. We were prepared, having booked one of the few campsite several months ago and stocked up on water and food. However the weather got us again!
After 2 big days of driving we got from Yallingup to Hamelin Station, the closest place to the start of the Steep Point track to stay. We arrived on a wet Monday afternoon and went to look at the nearby stromatolites (rock like structures that grow from single cell bacteria- similar to the first life forms found on earth and one of only 3 places in the world where you can view living stromatolites). On our return we heard the news that the road to Steep Point had been closed because of all the rain they'd had and that it might be reopened in the morning at 9am. We waited in the morning with the van half packed up then got the news that the road would remain closed with a review in the afternoon. We visited the nearby Shell Beach then just hung out at the campground with all the other people waiting to get into Steep Point. Thankfully it was a lovely place to stay and we all enjoyed exploring the old shearing shed and seeing their last lot of stock (goats) loaded onto a truck. By Tuesday afternoon we were getting antsy though and were very grateful to hear the road was reopened. 
It was a pretty steep, narrow and bumpy sand track but Daniel's skilled driving ensured we got the car, van and ourselves into the camp area unscathed. It was a picturesque place, white sandy beaches littered with shells and clear, turquoise water abundant with wildlife. 
Whilst at Steep Point we:
- combed the beach for treasures and were rewarded with some amazing shells, starfish, crabs, and two huge mermaid dollars that impressed us all.
- took the obligatory photo with the Steep Point sign then explored the cliffs, the vastness of the ocean was breathtaking.
- watched the serious fisherman with their helium balloons and super dooper fishing rods. They had caught a huge mackrel just before we got there and Emilia couldn't believe the fish was bigger than her.
- watched Daniel go diving and cheered excitedly when he brought his catch into shore.
- admired the ocean creatures (Dolphins, sharks, stingrays and so many fish - our faves were the fish that did flips out of the water, so funny to watch).
- felt slightly disconcerted by the huge(around 3m) hammerhead shark that cruised up and down our beach every day.
- played in the calm waters of Shelter Bay (a few meters from our campsite).
- watched the sun set over the ocean whilst sitting on the cliffs - we really felt like we were on the edge of Australia.

Our haul at Steep Point included:
- an icecream container full of amazing shells, as well as a huge clam shell,
- 3 lobster,
- 5 fish, speared by Daniel (2 sweetlip, mulloway, tailor and cod)
-  21 mice (we are back in mouse country but this time we are prepared - watch out little rodents the Katz are gonna get you!!!).

After stocking up at Carnarvon our beach adventure continues on the gorgeous Ningaloo Reef where we are booked for 1 week rough camping at Ningaloo Station. The weather is predicted to be high 30s all week so they ocean will be lovely.

The stromatolites in the super salty water at Hamelin Pool - one of only 3 places on earth where you can see these.

Hamelin Station - where we hung out for 2 nights waiting for the road to Steep Point to open.

The old shearing shed at Hamelin Station.

Letting the tyres down for the 'hazardous' road into Steep Point.

Steep Point - we finally made it.

Daniel taking the kids out to the edge of the cliffs.

It was so calm on the first day you could see fish swimming in the ocean below.

Our little nudists enjoying the beach at Shelter Bay (where we camped).

The stormy sky made for an amazing evening on the beach.

The kids decided a huge hole was needed so began digging......

and it resulted in sand EVERYWHERE!

Our campsite, just a few metres from the beach.

The first spoils - a tailor, a mulloway and a sweet lip - DELICIOUS.

Daniel is getting great with his spearfishing and getting a clean head shot nearly every time.

A wee with a view!!

The haul from day 2!!
The catch on Daniel's now very professional filleting table (an ironing board with plywood - perfect).

Treasures from a walk on the beach - two starfish (which had unfortunately been washed ashore and died)

Some of the incredible shells from Shelter Bay.

A sunset picnic on the most westerly point of Australia.
Looking over the vastness of the ocean (and holding very tightly to our kiddies hands).

Several planes flew by and left interesting patterns in the sky.

Leaving at sunrise... we were sad to leave this lovely place.
Coming up a steep section of the track....... and then going down

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