27 Jan 2016

Awesome Abs

Black Point is a secluded, 4wd only, part of the south coast that is named for the black basalt (lava rock) columns that line the waters edge. In some places they fit together like a mosaic and create rock stepping stones, which look particularly striking when wet and shiny. Luckily the camp area was well protected as Black Point is a super windy area, though we found one sheltered beach where we spent a great afternoon. We also checked out Surfers Point, and followed the very overgrown goat track down to the water. The kids actually crawled through some parts to get away from the prickly bushes lining the path! Down the bottom you really felt a part of the wildness of nature, with the wind fiercely blowing, the waves thundering on the rocks and the salt spray tickling your skin. Whilst the kids explored the rock pools and I did some yoga on the flat rocks Daniel went exploring for abalone as he'd been told there were heaps. There certainly were and we had an amazing entree of this delicacy that evening to go with the huge fish he had speared the afternoon prior. He is certainly enjoying his role as hunter- gatherer (particularly when there are other guys around to admire his catches!).
Although a lovely place the camp area was very dusty so we decided to move on and check out the tall tree forests nearby and find a bush camp to celebrate Australia Day.

Talking the narrow track down to Surfers Point.

It was very steep and the wind was howling.

The kids ended up on their ducking and dodging trying not to get prickled!

The black rocks that give Black Point its name.

Off abalone hunting.

A great haul.

Ugly looking things...I wonder who first decided to eat them or worked out you have to tenderise them first???

They kept squirming trying to find something to attach to, it was very intriguing to watch.

WA is great for still letting you do things, they just post a sign and leave you to. If these cliffs were in Victoria they would have fences I'm sure.

The cliffs, the wind was blowing so hard we held tight to the kids, though we still had to peek over the edge!

Jackson drinking from a fresh water spring he found near the beach.

The impressive balsalt (lava rock) columns at Black Point.

25 Jan 2016

Yoga at Yallingup

What luck! Yoga was being held on the grassy foreshore at Yallingup beach every morning in January. I took advantage of being in such close proximity and walked to the classes every morning for the 3 days we stayed. An 1.5 hour yoga class while listening to the waves and feeling the crisp sea air was such a blissful way to start each day. I realised how much I have missed yoga and am now trying to incorporate it more into our travels whenever I can (though I did try to do some this morning at another spot and Jackson decided to feed my blueberries whilst I was bent over backwards in bridge pose!).
Yoga with a view (and the added challenge of wind and sloped grass!)

Yallingup was one of the original surfing Meccas and it is still very popular with the surfing crew, as well as everyone else, because of the lovely beaches and great waves. It has still retained its small beach town vibe and we loved it but could only extend our stay to 3 nights as it is usually booked out all summer but some people had gone home because of the rain which was the only reason we managed to get there in the first place. The weather was still stormy on the first day but cleared and we had two lovely beach days where we snorkelled, played in the rock pools, explored Canal Rocks (where Daniel got a huge Cuttlefish and Crayfish) watched the sun set over the ocean and spent a lot of time on the adventure playground on the foreshore. We checked out Busselton on the stormy day and could also see why this town is one of the most popular holiday destinations in WA. 
The South West pocket of WA has so much to offer but after spending nearly a month in this small region of the state we decided to continue of journey along the south coast  so we left on Saturday morning headed for a remote beach east of Augusta.

Busselton Jetty with another storm threatening.

Enjoying the rocks at Canal Rocks near Yallingup.

Sunset and Ice-cream - Life is good.

We never tire of the watching the sun melt into the sea.

The huge cuttlefish Daniel speared.
It looks pretty ugly but cooked up in olive oil and garlic it was delicious.

Exploring the rockpools (and looking for crabs) at Yallingup.

21 Jan 2016

Back in the van with Mr PT man

So I forgot to add a funny happening to the last blog. It occurred when Daniel went back to Fremantle Market to collect a sticker we had ordered (4straykatz) for the back window of the car. Anyway we had left the market and were already at the park when he remembered the sticker (that we were meant to collect 10 minutes after ordering). Anyway he collected the sticker then as he was leaving 3 guys were doing a comedy circus busking act in front of the market. As part of their act they were heckling the crowd. When Daniel walked past he heard them say 'Check out Mr PT walking past there' and when Daniel looked he said 'Yep I'm talking about you mate'. The 100 or so people all looked at Daniel and he says he was embarrassed but I know he was secretly chuffed to be likened to a personal trainer (as he keeps mentioning it:eg 'how could you resist this PT body etc'). I fear this will definitely become one of the stories he rehashes every time he has a few drinks!

So moving on from my hot man to the next part of our adventure. After the house sit we were meant to head to Augusta but this was delayed due to the devastating fires in the SW of WA. All direct roads leading south were closed as the firefighters tried to contain the fire that wiped out the whole town of Yarloop. We moved to a caravan park just south of Fremantle to wait until it was safe to drive through the fire ravaged zone. Thankfully cool weather came on Tuesday and the fires were under control. The roads opened on Wednesday morning and we made it to Augusta, a lovely town on the south coast on the mouth of the Blackwood River. 
The highlight of our time in Augusta was the great fishing. We had a lucky Friday with the kids each catching two whiting on their new fishing rods. I caught one by pure luck (there was certainly no skill involved) and Daniel caught another 8 so once filleted we had two dinners sorted. That afternoon we went to a lovely bay and Daniel went for a snorkel with his spear gun. He got an enormous fish (82cm) and a large abalone (my absolute favourite). 
We ate the abalone the following night and I encouraged both kids to try. I hadn't had any for several years and was really looking forward to it but wanted the kids to try it to keep expanding their tastes. Well unfortunately their reaction was not quite what I expected and I now have to share as they both loved it! Looks like Daniel is going to be doing some more diving to satisfy my children's expensive tastes.
After Augusta we went back to Margaret River only because it was meant to be super windy so we thought we would ride out the wind and finally visit a few wineries. Our first afternoon we spent at the river mouth and enjoyed a pristine beach afternoon, calm inlet on one side and awesome waves on the other. The next day was spent visiting local wineries and breweries (all family friendly). There kids were over it by late arvo and a light drizzle had developed. The rain slowly got heavier then that evening about 10pm it really hit and absolutely poured. Our plans of heading south had to be aborted as the storm was causing floods down near Pemberton (where we were headed) and we also didn't want to have to pack up in the rain. We extended out stay and watched movies all day. The rain had still not eased and more was coming so we extended another day and got the gumboots and umbrellas out and managed a couple of bushwalks in between showers. 
That afternoon we took advantage of the few hours of reprieve the radar suggested to check out Gnarabup beach. As we walked a dog on a lead came trotting along. We grabbed it then looked for its owner, but to no avail. The kids each took turns walking Alby while I ran back to grab my mobile to call the number on the tag. Couldn't get through so we began walking back to try the cafe for his owner. After nearly reaching the cafe I got a phone call from Alby's owner whose husband had taken him to the beach whilst he was snorkelling with their kids. We had seen snorkellers down the other end of the beach so we headed that way again. From a distance we saw them pack up and leave. We hightailed it and Daniel only caught up with them just as they were getting into their car. Then it started to rain so we ran all the way back to the car, we had been up and back along the beach 6 times by the time we made it back, but at least that was our good deed for the day!
Rain subsided so we headed off the next morning, bound for Yallingup (we decided to give Pemberton a few days to dry out before we head down there). We are so grateful we have time to spare and can just ride out the bad weather, we felt very sorry for the many campers who were just on a weeks holiday and had to spend most of their time in their tents. 

Apparently Emilia's chest is much more comfortable than his pillow.
Enjoying the beach near Cape Leeuwin.

What a catch - nearly as big as Jackson

Tree climbing on the Augusta foreshore

Jackson showing off his new haircut (an undercut done by Daniel- how 90's!)

Dusk on the Augusta Foreshore (the picnic and wine ended early as both kids decided they were DESPERATE for the toilet!)

One of the several wineries we finally managed to check out in Margaret River.

Games at the Bootleg Brewery.

Waiting for the rain to stop (Day 1 of the rain).
Enjoying some of their Christmas presents.

Thanks for the puzzles Ruby and Mack!

The wet (and deserted) camp ground.

The band of slow moving rain that was over us.


12 Jan 2016

Couch Slouches

strange coincidence that we hadn't noticed the first time we visited the house we were sitting for was that they have exactly the same leather couches that we have (which are now in a shipping container). We certainly got ourselves reacquainted with the luxurious softness and comfort of these couches whilst we did the house sit and the kids made the most of the great array of toys and the tv, where they definitely got their fill of ABC2. 
The other wonderful part of the house sit (apart from the excitement of having a shower without other people (strangers) on the toilet or being able to do loads of washing without searching for $1 coins beforehand or using a kitchen that hadn't been dirtied by backpackers the night before) was Ruby, the 8 year old kelpie we looked after (and the reason we were doing the house sit). We all loved taking her for walks, throwing the ball or stick or whatever she brought to us and being greeted so excitedly when we arrived home. The kids showered her with affection and she often went hiding to get away from their cuddles. We realised how much we miss Rascal and hope she hasn't had it too good with Kate and Matt and that she still wants to come home with us!
Anyway during the 10 days of the house/pet sit we did manage to drag ourselves off the couch (and away from the aircon) and do the following:
- Thoroughly clean the car and van (inside and out), it's amazing how red Kimberley dust gets in everywhere!
- Visit Coogee Beach a few times with friends, including a bbq on the foreshore park.
- Get soaked on the water slides at Adventure World and ride an awesome roller coaster (as well as heaps of kids rides). Both kids had a blast and just ran from ride to ride. We ended up going twice as we had so much fun and it was a great way to spend a hot afternoon.
- Have a BBQ dinner at Nathan and Bec's where Steph used her callisthenics make up kit on all the kids (and the dads).
- Stock up on fresh food (and doughnuts) at Fremantle market, have several amazing coffees on the 'Cappacinno Strip'  and explore the marina.
- Watch the sky change as the sun set over the Swan River whilst sitting on the grassy bank eating fish & chips, drinking beer and catching up with Kent & his kids, one of Daniel's workmates from Shell who was over in Perth visiting family.
- Enjoy the backyard including the slip n slide, cubby and lush green grass.

We had such a great time and were so blessed that we had found such a generous family to sit for.

New Years Eve - just before my lovely G&T's knocked me out
Monster Marron

Another amazing meal from my hunter-gatherer: BBQ marinated marron.

Make up and dress up sessions courtesy of the Hughes girls.

Lipstick and blush for the girls.

The full works (including fake eyelashes) - Steph had a ball dressing Daniel up.

Ringlets and a beauty mark - does he turn you on?????

Brendan was lucky enough to get a peck from the prettiest girl at the BBQ.
Emilia and Ruby watching some TV

Jackson giving Ruby one of the many cuddles she got.

Ruby trying to sit on Daniel's knee on the couch we spent a lot of time on!

Bubble bath bliss - its the simple things we miss the most.

One of the many rides at Adventure World

Proud as driving me around in a safari truck.

Is this what I do Emilia?

The Abyss rollercoaster - a heart pumping ride that certainly got our adrenaline flowing.

Matilda and Emilia on the playground at Coogee Beach

Fish, chips, sunset and great company on the banks of the Swan River in Bicton.
A beautiful day in the playground at Fremantle

Fremantle Markets - a foodies delight.