30 Oct 2015

Winched to hard ground.

Well getting bogged in hot, red river rocks in 35 deg heat in the dusty bush over 1km from the main road (a road on which we had only seen 2 cars on in our few days at Mt Augustus) initially caused me some angst. However I trusted that the thoroughly prepared and ever resourceful Daniel would find a way to get us out. So while the kids sat in air-conditioned comfort and watch a Peppa Pig marathon we dug out the tyres, used rocks and branches to try to give traction and slowly moved forward with the help of the maxx tracks. After about 30 min we were pouring sweat and we'd only moved about 5 metres so Daniel decided we had to take it to the next level. Out came the winch for its maiden use. Without hesitation it inched us out and we were safe on the hard edges of the river. Even though it was only 10.30 by this stage both Daniel and I looked at each other and said how we would kill for a cold beer. Icy cold water and Solo had to suffice and after a swim in the nearby Cattle Pool to wash the dirt and sweat off we were on our way to the Kennedy Range National Park. Disaster averted.

** I wish to apologise to Daniel Katz for the misinformation printed in the last blog. He actually completed the hike to the summit of Mt Augustus is 2hrs 20min not 2.5hours as I incorrectly stated. I have been duly admonished for my failure to acknowledge the amazing sporting prowess of my wonderful fiancé.

River rocks and sand = a sinking car and van

First try - Maxx Tracks and digging

Snatch strap and winch to the rescue

We are moving - HOORAY

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