Nights - 60
Free camp areas - 7 different areas, 29 nights
Paid camp areas - 10 different areas, 31 nights
Number of nights in a tent - 12
Gorges - 14
Waterfalls- 10.
Nude swims - every time we free camped by ourselves!!
Broken toys - only 2 (Action man and Barbie became amputees)
Red dust in van - clouds of it after every drive, the cupboards are full!
Freshwater crocodiles - too many to count, they are prolific in all the gorges we swam in but they hide deep down once people approach
Saltwater crocodiles - 1
Bottles of wine* -18 (1 bottle had to last 3.5 days so rationed to one decent glass every afternoon!)
Bottles of Jack Daniels* - 2
Bolts and fittings lost from car - 9
Random screws found rolling around the van (whose homes have still not been found) - 2
* alcohol is not available on the Gibb River Rd so this was the absolute maximum we could carry.
What an adventure! Thanks to Daniel, Emilia and Jackson for so many wonderful memories.
Here are some photos of us looking very scruffy after 9 weeks in the bush.