8 May 2015

All by myself...........

Well technically not all by myself as I at least have the kiddies to keep me company and Mum & Dad will be here in a week or so. Daniel, although, has long days of work and an empty donga to come home to :(. Anyway Daniel began work today in Karratha so it was our first day away from each other since the middle of December. Thankfully we are only staying a 45 min drive away so we can hopefully see him a few times a week. The kids and I are in Point Samson, a small fishing town north of Karratha. It is lovely caravan park and we have a great grassy site with views of the beach. Kids are kept amused with the park and pool as we have been unable to use the beach so far as the sand flies are keeping us away. Fingers crossed they reduce soon but we have some super repellent coming with Mum and Dad (who are leaving on Sunday to come see us for a month - can't wait!). Our friends and their daughter are also coming back next week so we aren't alone for long.
Checking out Daddy's workplace

Relaxing with a movie - what a life!

Chilling at Samson Beach Caravan Park

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